
0.總類 general

1.倫理守則 ethical guidelines

2.倫理教育 teaching ethics

3.知後同意 informed consent

4.保密 confidentiality

5.溝通特權 privileged communication

6.預警責任 the duty to warn

7.雙重關係 dual relationship

8.價值影響 value influence

9.學校諮商 school counseling

10.團體諮商 group counseling

11.督導倫理 ethics in supervision

12.庭與婚姻諮商 family and couple   therapy


14.倫理決定 ethical decision

15.業訓練 (資格能力) professional training (qualification)

16.多重文化諮商 multicultural counseling

17.測驗  test

18.電腦  computer

19.研究  research

20.自殺 suicide

21.童虐待 child abuse

22.墮胎 abortion

23.瀆職 (不當處理) malpractice

24.同性戀 homosexuality

25.未成年案主 minor clients

26.事人權利 client’s right

27.隱私 privacy

28.性虐待 (強暴) sexual abuse (rape)

29.法律 (責任)  legal obligation

30.斷(兩難)  judgment (dilemma )

31.老人 elderly client

32.相關概念  relevant concept

33.束(轉介) ending a counseling relationship    (referral)

34.技術 (touch) technique (touch)

35.復健 rehabilitation

36.調查 survey

37.道德 (發展) moral development

38.諮詢 consultation

39.社區諮商 (半專業人員) community counseling (paraprofessionals)

40.藥物濫用  substance(drug) abuse

41.證照 license

42.記錄保管 record management

43.信念 belief

44.其它 others

45.宗教及精神 religious and spiritual

46.理委員會  ethics committee

47.同儕 peer helper

48.處方特權 privileged prescription

49.網路 internet

50.媒體 media

51.照料管managed care

52.藝術治療 art therapy

53.心理藥物學 pharmacotherapy